A one-way open relationship is one in which the man is free to have sex with other women, while the woman still remains faithful to him. Here are 11 reasons why a woman might favor this situation:

  1. Because she is in love. When a woman is in true unconditional love, where she has met the one she wants to mate with for life, she views this man as Godly and lives to serve him. She knows there is no other like him. She knows his intelligence and impressive anatomy yield strong genetics. She will want to have as many children as possible with him. Unfortunately, female biology is limited. She can only harvest his crop every nine months. The only way she can succeed in giving her husband as many offspring as possible is to let him breed with other women. And this is why she shares.
  2. Because she wants to be in charge. Oftentimes, women in one-way open relationships feel in charge because the man is taking orders from her regarding who he is allowed to mate with. He may deliver a prospective female to her for approval, and if she declines, he will not breed with her. Women in this kind of relationship are using their significant other’s sex as a form of control. Often, he will bang others while only devoting his emotional time with her. This makes her feel like a powerful queen, as she is his favorite woman.
  3. Because she is freaky. She wants a threesome as bad as you do. She wants to fool around and be sexy with another girl because she knows you will think it’s hot. She’s always been a little playful in bed…maybe she’s just curious and wants to try something new, silly, and sexy. She knows a threesome is at the top of your list of fantasies and she wants you to feel free and powerful. While for many women, the idea of a threesome is repulsive, she is fun and free-spirited and knows that it’s not a big deal.
  4. Because she isn’t jealous. This one is a no brainer. You don’t hear of many jealousy-prone females inviting their men to bed for a threesome with her bestie. She is confident and fearless because she’s unashamed of her body and she knows she’s sexy.
  5. Because she isn’t selfish. If you think your man is a good lover, why hog him?
  6. Because it’s natural. For a woman, a one-way open relationship is biologically more sensible than a two-way open relationship because if a man who is already in a long-term relationship with one woman gets another one pregnant it is much easier to leave the situation than if a man who is outside the relationship impregnates the woman. And most men are unwilling to raise a child that he did not father himself.
  7. Because it’s natural for him. No man is designed for permanent sexual monogamy. In fact, a man’s testosterone and sex drive declines significantly when he is confined to one lover. His sexual interest becomes rejuvenated when introduced to a novel female (a phenomenon known as the Coolidge Effect)
  8. Because she trusts him. Women with trusting, loving partners are more likely to be open to the idea of a one-way open relationship.
  9. Because it doesn’t matter. Most women understand that their man wanting to have sex with other women doesn’t mean that he loves them any less.
  10. Because she wants him to feel in charge. She doesn’t want to be that ball-in-chain wife that all men fear. Because she loves him and wants him to feel free and unafraid of her.
  11. Because she is cheating on him. This one is an unfortunate truth for many. Many women are two-faced. They want to appear to be one type of person for survival purposes in certain social circumstances, while pretending to be another in others. Unfortunately (for some women- not all) – this includes sex. Many women marry men they are not attracted to only to cheat on him with other men. She will do whatever she can to please and keep the provider, even if it means allowing him to have sex with other women. Usually this means she’s not even in love with him. This is not a true one-way open relationship because she is being dishonest.