I recently came across a post in the SubReddit “Red Pill Women” where a woman was asking for advice on whether she should get breast implants at the expense of her future children. I cringed when I saw the question (as if the answer to that isn’t obvious). I kept reading and learned that she had visited different surgeons for advice and they all told her the same thing: if she has the surgery she is at risk for not being able to breastfeed her future children. I became appalled when I scrolled down and saw that the majority of the responses from women said to “go ahead and do it” and that formula feeding “isn’t that big of a deal”. Let’s examine the pros and cons of formula feeding and breast feeding (these lists are copied directly from WebMD):


Formula Feeding

  • It’s flexible. You don’t have to fit pumping into your work schedule. Instead, you can simply leave formula for your babysitter or day care center.
  • Your partner can help out with nighttime feedings and share that bonding experience with your baby.
  • Scheduling feedings may be easier. Formula isn’t digested as quickly as breast milk, so formula-fed babies don’t need to eat as often, especially in the first few months.
  • You don’t have to worry about what you eat. Moms who breastfeed may have to avoid certain foods that her baby can’t tolerate.
  • You can have a glass of wine or a cocktail once in a while. Alcohol is a no-no for women who breastfeed because they pass on tiny amounts of it to their babies.

Every single “advantage” listed under the latter column is an advantage to the parents: “you can have a glass of wine”, “you don’t have to fit pumping into your schedule”. Every single item under the breastfeeding column is an advantage to the baby: “provides natural antibodies”, “lower the risk of sudden death syndrome”, “studies show breastfed babies have higher levels of cognitive function”… so ask yourself who is more important: YOU or YOUR BABY.

Breast implants by far are the #1 plastic surgery in America. According to a plastic surgery website I visited, only 29% of women are doing it for reconstructive purposes. Most are just doing it for narcissistic reasons. Young women (before they have children) are getting them at the expense of being able to breastfeed their future kids: the majority of women getting implants do it before the age of 34. This is before an infertile age, which means that these women are fertile and having offspring while they are getting implants.

The Breastfeeding Stigma

There is no stigma against breastfeeding. There is only a perceived stigma because women put breastfeeding on public display for attention and it grosses everyone out. Seriously, it is not that hard to breastfeed in private if you are out in public. Don’t whip your boob out in front of everyone. You should go under a tree or sit on a bench or something.


It is important to breastfeed because it keeps your child from getting sick. You shouldn’t be prioritizing the shape of your chest over your baby’s health because it’s selfish. Men should not see your breasts before marriage anyway and only your husband should ever see them. If you are getting them done prior to children, clearly you are only doing it to seek the attention of men which is slutty and desperate.