You’ve heard it a million times, “don’t compare yourself to the cover of a magazine”. But you need to stop for a second and ask yourself why you are doing it in the first place. Is it because you find the model attractive? Because you wish you looked just like her? Attractiveness is not subjective and for a good reason. We are attracted to what is healthy so that we pick mates who yield healthy offspring. If you are a fat woman rolling your eyes at the bikini body on the magazine and telling yourself it’s ridiculous that society holds beauty to such an unrealistic standard, you’re really just jealous because the model is fertile and you are not. If this is you, maybe quit rolling your eyes, walk back to aisle 5 and put the hot dogs back where you found them.

The other day I was fooling around on Instagram and encountered a beautiful photograph of a model in the Philippines. I am in no way shape or form gay or bisexual, however, like anyone else, I can appreciate the aesthetics of a woman’s body and beautiful mountainous waterfall backgrounds. When I scrolled down and looked at the comments I was appalled at what I saw. Women from the US were actually commenting that the model was too skinny. She wasn’t. She was perfect.

Has this country become so fat that we forgot what a healthy body is supposed to look like? Why is fat shaming wrong but skinny shaming right?

When you accept your body the way it is, you settle for less than what you could be.

Being thin is the most important part of being a woman. Don’t believe me? Picture this scenario:

Suzi is a 180 pound 5’4 woman. She has a feminine face with small features. She walks into an auto parts store where she has trouble getting attention and help from the men who work there because they are tending to other customers. She walks around confused trying to find the right oil filter. About 20 minutes go by and Suzi isn’t even in the checkout line yet.

Then Stacy walks in. Stacy has a big nose but weighs only 110 pounds and is about the same height as Suzi. The men notice her feminine figure immediately. Not only do they show her what kind of filter she needs for her car, but they even offer to replace it for her. This saves Stacy enough time to squeeze a workout in that day.

It really doesn’t matter how pretty your face is, because unless you are thin, men won’t look at you. If you’re fat and ugly, losing 50 pounds can bring you from a “2” all the way up to a “7”.

When women aren’t thin, they don’t feel empowered.

Yesterday I was stressed out at work. I had so many things to do in such a short period of time. I didn’t have time to eat lunch and went hungry all day. When I finally made it home, it started pouring rain and my dog took forever to pee in the rain so I stood there soaking wet. Then my air conditioning broke so I was hot and sweaty all night…but when I finally went to bed I didn’t care about how stressful my day was and even smiled to myself… because at least I was skinny.